National Volunteer Week: Serving with VolunteerNow
Laurie Mikita
Dedication, organization and accuracy are great words to describe long-time volunteer, Laurie Mikitka. Laurie loves filing, data entry, and recordkeeping and puts those skills to good use in VolunteerNow’s Tarrant County CSR office. When her twin sons left for college in 2010, Laurie adapted to her empty nest by becoming a regular volunteer. Throughout the years she has served at several area nonprofits, however her weekly visits to VolunteerNow for more than 6 years have made her an invaluable part of our family.
Mary de la Garza
The VolunteerNow Donated Goods Discount Depot in Dallas wouldn't be the same without Mary de la Garza. A regular shopper for several years prior to volunteering, de la Garza is essential to store morale and accomplishing tasks across all departments. She serves every Monday through Saturday and brings the crew breakfast three mornings out of the week, and started volunteering after her children left the house. From working in the processing room to tidying up the staff kitchen, de la Garza is essential to Donated Goods. VolunteerNow is grateful for her continued service.