About Us — VolunteerNow
VolunteerNow - Transforming lives through organizing volunteer spirit in Texas 75204.

Guiding Principles

For over a half a century, VolunteerNow has been in the business of moving people to action because we can do more good, together.  

Everyone needs a guide. At VolunteerNow, we have an organizing principle, six core values, and an Equity Statement that guide our work, decisions, and how we show up in our community.  

Vision. We all need a place to start and a community to keep us going. VolunteerNow is your marketplace to join with others to make good real.  

Mission. VolunteerNow unites people with heart and empowers them with ideas, goods, and community so that together we can create the change we want to see in the world.  

Organizing Principle. We can do more good, together.  

Core Values

Service. The heart of our work is service to others. We are committed to serving in ways that bring diverse communities together, build empathy and understanding, and create meaningful and measurable change.  

Integrity. We are humble in our understanding of what is “good” for individuals and bold in our knowledge of the clear and needed good we can make real together. We are committed to grow in our understanding of the common good through meaningful engagement with diverse communities.  

Accountability. People trust us to help them make their good intentions real. We are committed to give a transparent accounting of our programs, outcomes, finances, and our stewardship of relationships, opportunities, and resources.  

Diversity. The VolunteerNow community is diverse and represents many races, languages, ages, genders, sexual identities, abilities, belief-systems, socio-economic statuses, and cultures. We are committed to listen to our community and allow their voices to impact our decisions, programs, and organizational growth.  

Honor. We honor the individuals, organizations, and communities we serve by embodying deep regard for their history, culture, vision, values, and differences. We are committed to be an organization where everyone experiences belonging and respect.  

Excellence. We do our best for those we serve and those we serve alongside. We are committed to be an organization that prioritizes innovation, rigor, learning, and growth.  

Equity Statement

Equity is a foundational element of transformative volunteer experiences. VolunteerNow commits to provide actionable steps for our team, volunteers, and partners to address systemic injustices, racism, and prejudice. Furthermore, we commit to leverage our relationships and resources for the good of communities who have been excluded or oppressed.  



Deeply rooted in VolunteerNow’s fifty-two year history is a commitment to pursue innovative solutions to today’s volunteer needs. Our team continues to build on this heritage of excellence and creativity.

VolunteerNow is governed by a 11-member Board of Directors. This group of civic leaders are dedicated to expanding volunteer impact in North Texas and across the country.


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