October North Texas Tornadoes
Thank you for your interest in serving our North Texas community after the October 20 - 21 tornadoes and storms. Immediate and ongoing needs are being assessed and identified, and we will continue to provide updates below on how the community can best help the relief efforts.
In any relief effort, damaged areas must be assessed before volunteer opportunities are made available. Local officials and emergency response personnel in affected areas are gauging the extent of damage inflicted. We appreciate your patience as damage is assessed and needs are identified. The Dallas Police Department asks people who don’t reside in affected areas to please refrain from visiting areas impacted by the storms.
Find and connect with local nonprofits and volunteer needs on VOLY.org, powered by VolunteerNow. Visit www.VOLY.org to create your account or login.
City of Dallas opens multi-agency resource center: https://content.govdelivery.com/accounts/TXDALLAS/bulletins/268977d
Support the City of Dallas Volunteer Program to find events happening in your neighborhood and opportunities to serve.
Become a member of Dallas CERT (Community Emergency Response Team) and become a preparedness leader in your community. To learn more from CERT members, click here.
To support the American Red Cross, visit redcross.org/volunteer to become a volunteer and/or go to redcrossblood.org to donate blood at a local blood drive.
The American Red Cross has also established an emergency financial assistance program. Qualified households will be eligible for $450 to support emergency needs. Funds will be made available using Electronic Funds Transfer (EFT). Heads of household are encouraged to visit an Assistance Center to complete their applications. Red Cross caseworkers will be available 9 am-5 pm, Saturday, Oct. 26-Monday, Oct. 28. The financial assistance application requires a valid phone number and/or an email address for processing. Assistance center locations: Richardson Senior Center at 820 W. Arapaho, #100, Richardson | Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints at 9509 Midway Rd, Dallas
Volunteer at a local food pantry. Food pantries near impacted residents can be found on the North Texas Food Bank’s website at www.ntfb.org/agencies.
Donations of clothing or household items are not being accepted at this time for the disaster relief effort. We encourage people to donate to the City of Dallas Emergency Assistance Fund located here: https://dallemerasstfund.kimbia.com/dallemerasstfund.
Dallas Regional Chamber Tornado Relief Resources: https://www.dallaschamber.org/new-resources/tornado-relief/
Two Dallas ISD schools have been identified as a total loss. Students who were in band in those schools no longer have access to instruments. Two local music stores have stepped up to help! Brook Mays Music Company: To contribute, contact James Sky-Eagle Smith at jamesskyeagle@brookmays.com. Williamson Music First: To contribute, call 972-516-1331 and reference the "Cary Account #75070".
There is still a great need for resources at Thomas Edison Middle School’s West Dallas campus. Below is a list of items you can donate. Drop them off at El Centro’s campus, located at 3330 North Hampton Road, any time between 8:00am and 8:00pm Monday through Thursday and 8:00am to 12:00 noon on Fridays and Saturdays through November 19.
paper clips
color pencils
color markers
Rems of paper
Tissue Boxes
Hand sanitizer
Composition notebooks
VolunteerNow will provide updates on this page and VOLY.org on how to support disaster relief efforts.